
The world is an immense place, filled with wonder and oddities. Dangers and desolations.

The same can be said for our minds, arguably infinite universes in themselves, and the same can be said for our human interactions, the dynamics of which become a surprising endeavor which fill up a whole lifetime.

We all live in several worlds – Matrioshka dolls of realities, encapsulated in each other.

But The World. The one with a capital W, holds it all. This tiny blue drop in the vast cosmic ocean holds all of these universes and the ones of those who came before us.

By exploring the world, these universes slowly emerge. Through the ever present diversity, the dynamics of human beings become more apparent, ever so slightly. Ones own thoughts become clearer and more complex at the same time.

Through travel these realities and universes are perceived and enjoyed more fully and everything becomes more compact while simultaneously expanding towards a never ending horizon.

So I wander around, in bewildered awe. I look at living beings crossing my paths. I look at this rocky planet. Each one doing the same thing and holding inside an entire universe. Each one wandering around in wonder of the universe they are held inside of.

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