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Krabi province in Thailand is one of the best holiday destinations in the country. Located 800 km south of Bangkok, it faces the Andaman Sea, and among its 130 beautiful islands, it hosts some of the world’s most renowned destinations, such as Ko Lanta and Ko Phi Phi.

Its islands are a paradise when it comes to bathing. The seabed has hardly any stones or corals, the waters are warm and calm, and the beaches are made of fine, soft sand. The islands are also known as a great destination for rock climbing on the many limestone rock cliffs that are scattered all around.

Krabi Town itself is the major hub and hosts some well-known attractions, such as the Tiger Cave Temple and the Emerald Pool.

Railay is instead a peninsula that can only be reached by motorboat from Krabi Town or Ao Nang due to the impenetrable jungle cutting it away from the rest of the mainland, giving the place a secluded island feeling.

Photo collage of Krabi province

 What to expect

  • Emerald waters of the Andaman Sea, powder-fine white beaches.
  • Beautiful landscapes with giant rock formations protruding from the sea.
  • A slew of islands, one more paradisiac than the previous.
  • Famous friendly Thai hospitality from the “Land of Smiles”.
  • An offer that caters to any need, from adventure to sightseeing, partying, excursions, and relaxing beach stays.
  • One of the safest countries in the world.

 Tips & Impressions

  • Small motorboats in the area usually have a capacity of 8 people, and for small crossings, the helmsman will charge 800 THB. They will usually tell you to stay near the boat or pier while waiting for more passengers to arrive. Depending on the destination, time of day, etc., this wait might be longer than one would accept. What matters is the overall price, so agree with your other boat companions to split the fare between how many of you there are, or even agree to pay the entire fare yourself for a private trip.
  • Some islands are more party-friendly, and in those, it is common to find several “happy” beverages and foods. These are all psychedelic. Also, many bars and huts on the beach sell pre-rolled cannabis joints. Thai laws regarding drugs are very harsh, but in these touristic locations, they are generally overlooked. If caught, the response would probably be to give a bribe to the police officers (which, in this case, you should absolutely do rather than get into the local legal system).


  • Safety:
    • Krabi is often described as one of the safest places to live in Thailand.
    • The biggest worries are small theft, which is not very frequent, and scamming, the latter being more common.
    • When it comes to nightlife, there is a slightly higher risk of drinks being spiked
    • Common safety practices should be followed; therefore, walking on the beach alone at night or in very isolated places should be avoided.
  • Natural risks: The area is known for tsunamis, earthquakes, and storms, so from a natural disaster point of view, it does have some risks.
  • Emergencies number: 911


  • Familiarize yourself with the “wai”. Hold your hands together upright, bring them to your chest, and bend your head in a small bow so that your nose points to the point of your fingertips. Use it to greet people or say goodbye, say thank you and generally return it to anyone who does it to you. There are obviously many nuances related to societal stratification, religious peculiarities, and age rankings, but as a visitor, it is enough to stick to the basics and not perform the wai if your hands are busy holding a phone, beverage, sunglasses, or anything for that matter. Better to simply nod respectfully in this case.
  • There are two fundamental institutions in Thai society: Buddhism and the Royal family. As such neither should be criticized or disrespected.
  • Avoid homogenizing those from Thailand with people from neighboring countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, or Myanmar.
  • When it comes to the temple/Wat, shoes or sandals must be removed when entering it. Needless to say that Buddha statues are sacred objects, and should not be touched, or stood on the altar where they are.


The climate of Krabi is tropical and hot all year round with an average high temperature which never drops below 31 °C. At night, temperatures rarely drop below 20 °C.

The rainy season is between May and October, and the dry season is from December to March. Due to the southwest monsoon, the rainy season can be quite abundant.

 Flora & Fauna

  • The Andaman Sea is one of the most beautiful and peaceful in the world. Despite there being no sea creatures to watch out for in particular, be wary of the usual animals that can ruin your stay (i.e. sea urchins near corals). Also, jellyfish are pushed to shore and the beach is actually where it is more probable to find them. Anyways the species of jellyfish are not particularly irritating and their sting will not amount to much more than a bruising.
  • As with any tropical climate country, mosquitoes are your main enemy here. Ditch the perfume and take out the insect spray. As expected this is especially true during the evening/at sunset. Also as soon as you are not in direct contact with the beach, there will be vegetation, usually mangroves, and you will be mosquito lunch.
  • There is a large amount of fauna in the area, from the myriad of geckos, monkeys, fruit bats, and birds. Having tropical jungle ecosystem, scorpions, snakes, and spiders are also common.

 Deals for Krabi province

Stay Overview

I stayed and the Sand Sea Resortdirectly facing Railay Beach. The rooms were spacious with a nice balcony and the resort has a relaxing pool two steps away from the beach.

In the evening I often enjoyed drinks while watching the beach sunset together with many visitors, admiring the frisbee players, listening to live music, and enjoying the chilled-out atmosphere.

Sand Sea Resort hotel pool
Sand Sea Resort hotel pool

Railay Beach


Railay beach
Railay beach


Railay Beach is especially famous for its large rock cliffs which embrace the bay.

Its beautiful sea and long tailboats moored on the white sandy beach, create a picture-perfect scenery during the day.

In the evening the atmosphere gets even better if possible, with many people chilling out on the beach admiring the mesmerizing sunsets, and many restaurants and bars facing the beaches offering drinks and live music which go well into the night in an escalation of entertainment.


Reaching Railay was an experience in itself.

I did not organize an airport transfer to the hotel and am now glad that I didn’t although I was a bit uneasy at the beginning. From the airport, I got “picked up” by a lady who was shouting louder than all the other people who catch tourists for a taxi, shuttle, and transfers and was dropped at the “ticket office” which consisted of a guy and two friends surrounded by fans, insects, and geckos under a lamp in the middle of the street. I was the only one and was told that he needed to wait for the other 7 people to fill up the boat, or that I could pay for all eight and have a private trip. I waited. Finally, a couple arrived, and was as lost as I was at the beginning. We split the boat fare among the three of us and boarded the motor boat.

By this point the destination Railay had been repeated to me so many times that an imagination trip started carving and echoing into my mind until it became R’lyeh, the famous fictional lost city where Cthulhu slumbers in the stories by H.P. Lovecraft. So I started to immerse myself in that imagination. The reptiles at the ticket office, the boat trip, everything became distorted according to that narrative. When we boarded the motorboat, we crossed in absolute darkness. Of my other 2 Spanish companions, the woman seemed worried while the man just looked disappointed that he could not take pictures during the boat ride and had to just wait. But for me, it was a fun journey imagining these scenarios and narratives. The few stars that would be seen between the clouds became “out of place” and the constellations were distorted on unfamiliar planes. Not being able to see land but vaguely discerning the contour of mountains and cliffs on the coast which also appeared tilted was met in my head with a “Yep, that’s non-euclidean geometry”. The faint blueish and greenish glow of other boats on the horizon became an “over there, at the bottom of the sea, must be where Dagon is”.

The next day the beach had become normal and paradisiac, with lush green mountains and crystalline sea waters and the lost city of R’lyeh had dissipated.

Phra Nang Beach & Princess Cave


Phra Nang Beach
Phra Nang Beach


The beach of Phra Nang is the best beach in the region. It is also enclosed by rock formations which have become a popular spot for rock climbers.

The famous rock island which protrudes from the sea has become the iconic image that represents Krabi

On the western side of the beach is Phra Nang Cave, also known as Princess Cave, which is a small cave with a fertility shrine and numerous wooden and stone phallaces as offerings.


The walk to Phra Nang beach is very scenic, with a small winding road that traverses limestone rocks with stalactites and stalagmites, and small alcoves with Buddha statues and miniature altars.

I woke up at 5 a.m. on the 1st of May/Labor Day and because of the holiday and early morning, the lack of visitors along the trail allowed me to see numerous langur monkeys and macaques going about their business.

I reached the opening to the beach which was deserted as the sun was only just starting to timidly warm the area.

Without a soul in the vicinity, I enjoyed the tepid waters and was the first to start bothering the small fish within.

On the western side of the beach is the small Princess Cave with its fertility shrine, littered with phallic symbols. In the afternoon when I returned, the area was swarming with dozens of climbers and changed completely the scenery to a chaotic place meant for sports activities.

After having enjoyed the peaceful secluded area, I started walking along the beach to find other relaxing spots and the elusive bat cave.

Bat Cave


Bat Cave
Bat Cave


On the eastern side of the beach of Phra Nang stands a large rock formation. A small “hidden” path from the beach within mangroves leads to a short rock climb which then leads to the interior of the rock cliff. Inside is a very large cave, aptly named bat cave because of the sheer amount of these small mammals.


Despite knowing the existence of the bat cave on Phra Nang, its discovery was wonderful in the exploration.

After having enjoyed the tranquil sea and relaxing on the deserted beach, I saw a large lizard scurrying behind me and vanishing in the mangroves where I saw a small opening within the thick trees.

After ducking and crawling through the branches and roots I reached the bottom of the cliff which had a simple rope hanging over the muddy slope.

Barefooted and with more difficulty than I would like to admit I managed to climb the slippery slope and reach the top of the trail after which I arrived at the entrance of the cave which had a rickety bamboo ladder that seemed loosely tied to the rocks.

The interior of the cave was huge and there were several smaller dark caves littered with fruit bats, “chirping” and flying from one stalactite to the other.

I took the mandatory postcard pictures from inside the cave of the openings of the cliff that face the sea and beach below.

After having explored the guano-filled cave I climbed down and this time dextrously repelled down the rope, got devoured by mosquitoes within the short mangrove part of the trail, and jumped back in the tepid calm waters.

Diamond cave


Diamond Cave
Diamond Cave


The Diamond Cave (Tham Phra Nang Na) is a small cave in Railay East. The entrance fee is 100 THB and there is a paved suspended walkway that loops throughout the interior


The cave is extremely small and can be traversed in basically two minutes along the looping walkway. Still, there are some beautiful stalactites, and are well-lit, giving high contrast to all the surrounding rock formations.

The only downside for me personally was that, together with the bats, some Java Mina birds were inside and these birds are the stuff of nightmares, with their heads perpetually tilted upwards and empty yellow eyes and very aggressive swooping.

Ao Nang


Sculpture in Ao Nang
Sculpture in Ao Nang


Ao Nang, together with Krabi Town is a major hub of transport for tourists and visitors of the area. The town consists basically of a main street, with several restaurants, pubs, souvenir shops, and tour operators.

The beach is incredibly long and beautiful, but it is not used much by sunbathers, and there are many long-tail boats that offer transport to the infinitely many other nearby islands and beaches.


As soon as I arrived in Ao Nang I went to the monkey trail which is a series of bamboo planks and ladders loosely tied together that lead to the quieter Pai Plong Beach across the jungle.

The trail is steep, long, and beautiful although I did not see any monkeys. Pai Plong Beach is very nice although the area has many (beautiful) resorts but also has a less genuine or easygoing feel when compared to Railay Bay.

I then returned to the main town and had a quick stroll on the extensive main beach. It was amusing to see a couple of groups of locals trying to surf on the waters by running at top speed from the beach and gliding on the most still waters there can be.

7 islands boat tour

Sunset with limestone cliffs from the sea
Sunset with limestone cliffs from the sea


This was a simple full-day tour on a long-tail boat that would touch some of the closer islands near Ao Nang and Railay.

Koh Poda was the first stop and was wonderful as it is a small island with white powdery sand no shops or restaurants and is completely secluded.

Next was Tup Island which was also beautiful and had long tongues of sand cutting through the shallow waters.

We stopped at the base of the cliffs of Khao Phing Kan, also known as “James Bond” island since it was portrayed in The Man with the Golden Gun movie, to do some snorkeling as the waters are filled with colorful fish.

We passed by the famous Chicken Island which has a rock formation resembling the silhouette of a chicken and enjoyed the sunset on the way back while passing by other great islands and rock formations.

Muay Thai night


Muay Thai fighters on the ring
Muay Thai fighters on the ring


Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing is the national combat sport of Thailand and one of the most known and effective martial arts in the world.

Known as the “art of eight limbs” it is widely spread internationally and commonly integrated into MMA, but witnessing Muay Thai bouts in Thailand is a completely different experience.

With ancient roots and deeply steeped in Thai culture, Muay Thai offers an incredible spectacle.


I had already witnessed a match in Bangkok years ago and can remember the wild crowds and the bustling and frenetic gambling that occurs constantly at every traded blow.

These matches were more aimed at tourists and a couple of bouts seemed fixed in the outcome but nevertheless, the conditioning and fitness of the fighters, especially the younger ones, was astounding and the international crowd was energized by the show.

Closing thoughts

It is no wonder that Thailand is a world-renowned holiday destination. Despite the islands in the Krabi province not being an unknown gem anymore and being a well-known destination, the region still manages to maintain a genuine feel to it.

This part of the country has been blessed with everything that is “needed” for a wonderful relaxing stay. From delicious food, to easy-going and welcoming people, to awe-inspiring scenery, warm weather, and pristine beaches facing warm emerald waters.

There are a myriad of islands but even without journeying to the famous Phi Phi islands or Koh Lanta, a simple stay in the beautiful Railay Bay can recharge from any stress.

Simply put this little sliver of paradise tucked within the jungle is just a perfect holiday destination.

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