
Visits are similar to city escapes but more targeted. They are usually based on a theme or a particular sightseeing attraction. For example, if going to Egypt, one can visit Cairo and explore the city, or lay back and have a week on the Red Sea coral reef. Or take a gulet on the Nile. But one can also throw themselves into the ancient Egyptian ruins and only go and see temples in the Valley of Kings or the pyramids, absorbing and saturating themselves with that single, specific interest. This is what I did in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where I maximized my 3-day visitor pass and tried to see as many temples as possible, for the joy of my tuk-tuk driver. Or in Mexico, where I would visit every single Mayan ruin within a radius of 100km from where I was.

National parks also fit well into the Visits type, as they can last multiple days and are entirely aimed at exploring as much as possible of a single, relatively small area.

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