Road Trips

Road adventures are not for everybody. Much like any other exploration activity, there are people who love them and those who hate them. Like spending the whole day at the beach or hiking through the woods, for some people, it may seem like the most boring activity in the world or the very definition of happiness.

I belong to the second group. There is something about the feeling of independence that the road gives, be it on four wheels or two, in a luxurious motorhome, or just in a beaten-up car with a tent.

Very “real” scenes and situations can only be experienced while on the road. The freedom that this way of traveling provides is unique, allowing one to stop at whatever raises their curiosity and interest rather than having to stick to predetermined itineraries. It also allows for a much more dynamic traveling approach (with all its advantages and disadvantages). Driving in unknown places and cities, the initial stress that it brings, the peculiarities of the driving mechanics of a particular country, and the scenery that can be taken in are all part of the unique experience of visiting a place while on the road.

Road trips embody the very idea of adventure, and there is not much else to say except this: Road trips are special.

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