Events & Specials

Traveling is as much about being in a place as it is about being in a certain moment. There is a world of difference between seeing a dormant or active volcano or being high up north and getting to see the Northern Lights. Timing is everything.

There is a special kind of timing, and it has to do with the masses. Moments when entire parts of nature decide that now is the time. Be it the spring Hanami of the cherry blossoms in Japan or the Great Wildebeest Migration through the Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya. These moments of massive change are, by definition, extraordinary.

And then there are moments of mass human beings. We also create these timings.

They can be national or cultural holidays. New Year celebrations such as New Year’s Eve in Times Square, Chinese New Year, or the Buddhist New Year of Songkran. Incredible festivals such as Holi in India, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, or religious events like the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. They can be Comic Con in San Diego or modern music events such as Coachella and Tomorrowland. They can be worldwide sports competitions like the Olympics.

The common thread in all of this is masses and moments. Huge numbers of people gather to either witness or be part of (and create) something. To participate with others in a shared fleeting moment.

Being there allows us to say not only “I was there in that place” but also “I was there at that time“.

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